I’ve seen countless people asking for whole Bitcoin Testnet coins and we have decided to allow people to buy and sell Bitcoin Testnet with Bitcoin on https://altquick.com/exchange/market/BitcoinTestnet or without needing to register an account with https://altquick.com/swap/
I understand this is a bit taboo in the Bitcoin world, but I firmly believe Bitcoin Testnet is going to be a very important thing for new users and developers alike.
New users are MUCH better off learning how to use their Trezor or any other thing using Bitcoin testnet and developers enjoy seeing their application work with whole coins.
I don’t think anyone can wave a magic wand and say “This is worthless” because that just isn’t the fact. There are plenty of people around the world that feel the same about Bitcoin itself.
Acquiring Bitcoin Testnet takes a while mining (0.02 TBTC every 20 minutes), spending days fauceting, or begging strangers on the internet.
We make it so that you can have 100 Testnet coins if you want within 15 minutes.
It should be mentioned that we do offer a free Testnet faucet as well and they can be withdrawn instantly.
(Disclosure: I own this Bitcoin Testnet exchange & faucet.)
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